

Deviation Actions

PhoenixScribe's avatar

Literature Text

I want someone who will take me on traveling. Someone who won’t leave me at home to go on adventures but who will choose me as his companion, sidekick, and partner over and over and over again. I want someone who would die to protect me and someone I would die to protect. Someone who wants to share everyday thrills with me as much as the special thrills. Be happy when the smell of my baking permeates the house. Laugh when the cat does something silly. Cuddle with me in the dark when we watch a movie. Breathe deeply when the first smell of Autumn comes. Take pleasure in my body. Be goofy with me. Be serious with me. Love me when I am unlovable and I will do the same for you. I am flawed, and so are you, but together we can celebrate our cracks and keep each other from falling apart. And most of all, lead me. Draw me closer to God, not away. If you do this, I will follow you anywhere and respect you and honor you forever.

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